Prisoner, Town Hall - Cell 2

PC Derek Ray and Karl Raisinger (a WW2 prisoner of war - briefly held in Town Hall Cell 2)

PC Derek Ray and Karl Raisinger (a WW2 prisoner of war - briefly held in Town Hall Cell 2)

On the 25th October 1940 Karl was on escort duties in his Bf 109 escorting bombers en route to London when they were surprised by a large group of spitfires and Hurricanes who were waiting for them. During the ‘shoot-out’ that followed Karl’s Bf109 was damaged although he didn’t know it; passing over the coast of Kent and across the Channel the cockpit suddenly filled with smoke. He turned back towards the Sussex coast and force landed just north of Saltdean.

He was taken into custody and taken to the cells at the Town Hall placed in Cell 2.

He was taken away for interview in London before becoming a POW. I think he was in this country until about 1947.

(On the 17th October 1940 he shot down a Hurricane fighter just south of Tunbridge Wells. Hurricane no V6866 shot down and force landed at 4.30pm. The pilot Sgt. G. Stevens from 213 Squadron, based at Tangmere was unhurt.)


Brighton Police Football Team


Brighton Police Sports 1902, B Division – winners of the Fire Brigade Challenge Cup.